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Kia Ora Mini Farm
Courteencurragh, Gorey, Co. Wexford
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Don't know if you are into places outside Dublin but this little gem is only about an hour down from Dublin and my kids can't get enough of the place. There is no time limit on your stay between opening times so we usually pack up a picnic and make a day of it. The amount of people from Dublin who travel down is unbelievable during the summer. There are picnic areas, a coffee shop and the whole area is wheelchair (+buggy) accessible. For the kids there is fire engine ride (be careful, the music is very loud), a covered sandpit with buckets and diggers, a go-cart track for the young and the young-at-heart, a football pitch, a covered play area, a maze, two real diggers, a covered toddler area and lots of different animals. The staff are really nice and so good with the kids. The farm is also close to Courtown Harbour for anyone with a holiday home or mobile down there. Apart from the zillions of attractions, what I really liked at this farm is that there are no hidden charges, everything is included in the entry fee. Photo credit & (most of the) text: Thema
How to get there: It is advised to visit the farm by car.
Entry is priced
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